
Rome (dpa) - Pizza, pasta or a coffee: restaurants, bars and pizzerias in many regions of Italy can serve their guests at the table again after closings due to the corona pandemic.

That is around 220,000 nationwide in the yellow corona zones that will apply from Monday, as the Coldiretti Agriculture Association calculated on Sunday.

Things are looking bad in the northern regions of Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto as well as in Calabria and Sicily in the south.

Because of the increased reproductive value there, which indicates how many people a corona infected person infects on average, they fall under the orange zones.

The restaurants there can only accept take-away orders.

In the yellow zones, the innkeepers are again allowed to open their premises to guests from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. - until 10 p.m. for those who also offer take-away food.

The reopening comes with the Corona decree that will apply for the coming week, which the government had signed.


Italy drove a veritable zigzag course last week.

On Epiphany, the entire country was locked down, after which the catering was allowed to open again for two days, then it had to close again.

The pandemic had recently worsened again.

The authorities have so far registered more than 78,000 deaths with Sars-CoV-2 and more than 2.25 million corona infections.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign, the country has administered around 590,000 vaccine doses on Sunday noon.

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Corona dashboard (Italian)