
January 10, 2021 "In Italy, at the moment, the indication to carry out the second dose, or booster, of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine after 21 days from the inoculation of the first remains. This is based on the current indications of the Italian Medicines Agency Aifa and available studies ".

Luca Richeldi, president of the Italian Society of Pulmonology and member of the Technical Scientific Committee (Cts), said this to ANSA.

"At the moment - explained Richeldi - we are at the indications of Aifa which tells us that, based on the available studies, the effectiveness of the vaccine is guaranteed when the second dose is administered 21 days after the first. It also specifies that they can be obtained. up to six doses per bottle ".

Britain has instead decided to lengthen the time between the first and second administration, with the aim of vaccinating as many people as possible with the first injection.

An evaluation to this effect is also underway in Germany.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has also ruled on this issue in recent days, specifying that to obtain complete protection a maximum interval of 42 days should be respected between the first and second dose of the Pfizer / BioNtech vaccine, term adopted in Great Britain.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that between doses of the vaccine "in exceptional circumstances" one can wait up to six weeks.

For the UN agency, the exceptional circumstances are represented by "supply problems" and "serious epidemiological situation".

"It is possible - said Richeldi - that even at a distance of 42 days for the recall the efficacy of the vaccine is guaranteed, but this is not the current indication of AIFA and I do not foresee that it will soon be modified".