
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) has accused the SPD opposition of being irresponsible in the Corona crisis.

The parliamentary group refused to accept its responsibility and the solidarity that the state now needs, said Laschet on Saturday at the digital New Year's reception of the NRW CDU.

The SPD should become aware of its “state political responsibility” and “not cultivate this petty-small-party political hiccups” in this pandemic, said Laschet.

"In the end it hurts all Democrats."

The day before, the SPD had enforced a special session of the state parliament for the coming week after NRW had deviated from some of the federal-state resolutions in the new corona protection regulation.

SPD parliamentary group leader Thomas Kutschaty had accused Laschet Wortbruch of implementing the resolutions on the tightened lockdown.

NRW Corona Protection Ordinance


NRW corona care regulation