
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 10, 2021:

1st calendar week, 10th day of the year

355 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Gregor, Paulus, Wilhelm



2016 - More than three months after the parliamentary elections in Catalonia in northeastern Spain, the separatist politician Carles Puigdemont is elected Prime Minister by the regional parliament with 70 to 63 votes with two abstentions.

2001 - The former President of the Bosnian Serb Republic, Biljana Plavsic, presents herself at the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

1991 - The Landtag of Thuringia designates Erfurt as the state capital with the seat of the government and state parliament.


1966 - India and Pakistan agree to end the Kashmir conflict and restore peaceful relations (Tashkent Declaration).

1946 - The first General Assembly of the United Nations opens in London.

Delegates from 51 countries take part.

The main goal is to secure world peace.

1941 - Joseph Kesselring's play “Arsenic and Lace Cap” premieres in New York.

1929 - The first adventure in the comic series "Tintin", which is called "Les aventures de Tintin" in French, appears in a Belgian newspaper.

The inventor of the story was the draftsman Hergé.

1863 - The world's first underground line opens in London.

1072 - The Normans, led by Robert Guiscard, conquer Palermo from the Arabs.



1981 - Jared Kushner, 40, American businessman and presidential adviser, son-in-law of Donald Trump

1956 - Antonio Muñoz Molina (65), Spanish writer ("The Polish Horseman")

1941 - Gertrud Höhler (80), German literary scholar and journalist (book: "The godmother. How Angela Merkel rebuilds Germany"), "Woman of the year" 1996

1901 - Henning von Tresckow, German general and resistance fighter, death by suicide, d. 1944

1871 - Enrica von Handel-Mazetti, Austrian writer (“Jesse and Maria”), d. 1955


1971 - Coco Chanel, French fashion designer, fashion classics created by her: the “little black dress”, Chanel costume, perfume Chanel No.

5, born 1883

1951 - Sinclair Lewis, American writer ("Babbitt"), was the first American to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1930, born in 1885

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