"No, that's not true," said Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) on Friday via his spokesman.

This was preceded by two reports in “Spiegel” and “Bild”: Spahn is said to have sounded out how his chances as a candidate for chancellor were.

Spahn joined the Laschet team in February, shortly before the start of the Corona crisis.

Everyone in the CDU confirms that he is now struggling with it, feeling locked up in the Laschet team - pretty much regardless of which camp and candidate he or she is attached to.

So there is a lot of understanding in the party that Spahn would like to switch roles;

that he trusts himself more, which is undisputed;

that he would like to pass Laschet.

But the current reports and the course of the past week - regardless of their truthfulness - still hurt Spahn.