(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Governor of New York State: At the current rate of vaccination, New York State faces the risk of failure

  China News Agency, New York, January 8th. New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said on the 8th that at the current rate of New York State's new crown vaccination, it will take nearly a year to achieve sufficient protection, which means that the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic Efforts may fail.

  Como held a press conference in Albany that day to report the epidemic.

He said that there is currently a "race" between vaccination and the spread of the virus in New York State.

In order to achieve effective group protection, at least 14 million residents (70% of the total population) must be vaccinated; currently, approximately 300,000 doses of vaccine are available in New York State every week.

Based on this calculation, it takes about 47 weeks to achieve effective protection, which is nearly a year.

"At this rate, we will lose the race against virus infection."

  According to the plan previously announced by New York State, New York State's vaccination is divided into two parts: Phase 1 and Phase 2, and Phase 1 is divided into three sub-phases: a, b and c.

At present, the inoculation work in New York State is still at stage 1a, namely, high-risk medical staff, nursing home residents and employees, and funeral operators who are responsible for handling the remains of patients with new crown disease.

Cuomo said that there are about 2.1 million people who should be vaccinated in stage 1a, but only about 23% have completed the vaccination.

And another 1 million doses of vaccine are needed for stage 1a.

He said that New York State will take a variety of measures to speed up vaccination, including broadening the vaccine distribution network, increasing the number of vaccination sites and staff; when conditions permit, trade unions in the police, firefighters, teachers and other industries can organize collective vaccination for people in the industry. vaccine.

  In terms of epidemic data, on January 7, New York State completed nearly 244,000 new coronavirus tests, with a positive rate of 7.72%.

There were 8561 new coronary pneumonia patients hospitalized, 1475 intensive care patients, and 161 deaths.

Cuomo said that while accelerating vaccination, efforts must also be made to control the spread of the epidemic.

If the number of available beds in a regional hospital is less than 15% for 21 consecutive days, the state government will implement a "closed city" in the region.

At present, the area with the lowest available hospital beds in New York State is the capital area, about 22%; New York City has about 31.6% of available hospital beds.

  According to data from Johns Hopkins University, more than 274,000 new coronary pneumonia patients were newly diagnosed in the United States on January 7, with a total of more than 21.8 million cases and a total of nearly 368,000 deaths.

More than 1.1 million cases have been confirmed in New York State and more than 39,000 people have died.
