Color Research Institute Pantone announced two colors of the year in 2021,'Ultimate Gray' and'Illuminating'.

Let's check it for yourself.


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Color Research Institute Pantone has been releasing'Color of the Year', which leads the trend of the year every year since 1999.

This year's colors are the two colors you see now.

For the first time in 22 years, Pantone gave a message saying that when two colors coexist, it is meaningful.

First of all,'Ultimate Gray' is a light gray with a solid floor feel, and'Illuminating' is a bright yellow with sunlight soaked in as the word means.

Pantone said, "Gray represents tranquility, stability, recovery, and resilience, and bright yellow represents optimism, hope, and positivity."

It contains expectations that the situation could get better this year after last year, which was difficult due to Corona 19.

This year's color, whose keyword is'hope and recovery', is attracting attention from various industries such as fashion and beauty industry interiors.

Netizens responded, "It's a color that I usually like. I'm looking forward to this year!"

(Screen source: Pantone)