What are the most dangerous side effects of the emerging corona virus vaccine?

What is its effect on the body?

How do we face it when getting the vaccine?

What are the benefits of vaccination?

"Allergic reactions are the most dangerous side effects of the vaccine so far," says allergist Ludger Klemick in an interview quoted by Deutsche Welle.

Some people who received a Coronavirus vaccine in Britain and America developed severe allergic reactions immediately after the vaccination;

After receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the Coronavirus, two people in Britain had severe allergic reactions, and a similar case appeared in the United States as well.

A week ago, the head of the team of experts of the Human Medicines Committee on Corona Vaccines in Britain, Professor Munir Peer Muhammad, said, "We have reached the recommendation that people with a known history of interaction with any specific components of the vaccine should not get

it (AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine" "), But people who are allergic to other medicines or foods can get it.

The British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency also announced that it had changed its previous allergy advice for people receiving the Pfizer-Bionic vaccine.

After two cases in which two NHS workers had an allergic reaction when they received a dose of the Pfizer-Bionic vaccine, the British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency said that people with allergies should not receive it.

But in the briefing, the agency's chief executive, John Rainer, said that after 800,000 people in Britain and 1.5 million people in the United States had received the vaccine, there were "no other concerns."

What is sensitivity?

In allergy, a person's immune system reacts to a substance or substances that it recognizes as a source of harm or threat. It produces antibodies that lead to the emergence of allergy symptoms, which may sometimes reach "anaphylaxis," which may lead to death.

The immune system works to protect the body from foreign bodies, germs, and viruses that threaten it and cause harm, but in the case of allergies, the immune system recognizes something that is not usually harmful (such as pollen, peanuts, a drug, or a component in a medicine), then it interacts with it and produces bodies Counter to him;

That is, the immune system’s response is a false alarm in response.

It is believed that one of the types of antibodies, which is "IGE", plays a fundamental role in allergies, and this type of antibody interacts with other cells in the body, and this reaction results in allergy symptoms, such as: runny nose, sneezing, itching, and the appearance of a rash Skin, swelling in the body, and respiratory crisis.

There are several types of sensitivity depending on the type of substance that triggers the immune response in the affected person, and genetics and genes play an important aspect in a person's ability to develop allergies, and if a family member is sensitive to a specific substance, then the probability that this person has an allergy to it is greater.

Drug allergy is one of the types of allergy, and is caused by taking a certain drug that causes an allergy, such as the penicillin antibiotic, or medicines that belong to his family or are similar to it on the chemical level.

Symptoms include itchy skin, a rash, swelling of the face and wheezing in the chest.

Hypersensitivity (anaphylaxis)

Anaphylaxis is a condition of hypersensitivity that leads to an acute response from the immune system, resulting in a threat to a person's life, and this condition usually occurs in food allergy, insect stings, drug allergy, and it may also occur with other types of allergies.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis:

  • Dizziness

  • Shortness of breath.

  • A rapid, weak pulse.

  • rash.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Enlarged airways that may block them.

  • Unconsciousness.

  • An episode of anaphylaxis may lead to death in a person if not treated.

  • In addition to always preparing for emergency cases, if you are prone to anaphylaxis, the doctor may give you a special injection against anaphylaxis, and if you experience a hypersensitivity episode, you inject it to relieve symptoms, until emergency medical help arrives.

    Back to Germany

    Allergy cases raised great fear among Germans that similar symptoms could appear on them upon receiving the vaccine, according to Deutsche Welle.

    But specialist Klemik reassures the Germans and says, "Although about 24 million Germans suffer from allergies, only a few of them suffer from severe allergies that may prevent vaccination."

    Some of those who received the vaccine developed anaphylaxis.

    Who receives the vaccine without fear?

    Climek says that there is no justification for fear of receiving the vaccine if a person suffers from hay fever or only an allergy to dust, but he stresses the need to make sure of his health if he is allergic to some food or medicine, before receiving the vaccine.

    Hay fever is one of the types of allergies, and its symptoms are similar to the common cold, but it is not caused by a virus but from substances in the external environment, most notably pollen, animal dander, dust mites and mold, and its symptoms include congestion, runny nose, runny eyes and swelling.

    The German expert assumes that only between 1 and 3% of Germans are at risk of anaphylaxis, and therefore "they should not be vaccinated or be vaccinated by taking preventive measures."

    Clemic believes that the "main suspect" that causes allergic reactions when receiving the vaccine is the biological compound "polyethylene glycol", which is included in the composition of the vaccine, and is known to cause allergies, as it is used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics as well.

    What is the solution?

    The German expert suggests that people be divided based on sensitivity information related to them in a system that carries traffic lights;

    People who appear green can receive the vaccine without problems.

    As for those who appear yellow, they can receive the vaccine, provided that they stay at the vaccination center for half an hour after receiving the vaccine, in order for a well-equipped medical team to intervene immediately in the event of their symptoms.

    As for those who appear red, Clemic suggests that they be tested for sensitivity before vaccination, and if it is found that they have an allergy to any substance that is included in the composition of the vaccine, then they should not be vaccinated.

    Finally, you must inform your doctor of any history of allergy, and follow the instructions of the health authorities in your country about vaccination.