
Erfurt (dpa / th) - According to the agreements of the federal and state governments, Thuringia's state government wants to agree on the lockdown rules in the Free State on Tuesday evening.

The cabinet will meet at 8 p.m., a spokesman for the state chancellery said on request.

The federal and state governments had agreed that in regions with high numbers of corona infections, people's range of motion should be limited to 15 kilometers.

Regulations on this would have to be made by the federal states.

Thuringia's Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) had already proposed such a 15-kilometer rule on Sunday, but had also met resistance from cabinet members.

It is unclear which regulation will apply in Thuringia in the future.

Ramelow wants to make a statement at 9:30 p.m.

Thuringia's state government had already agreed two days ago to extend and tighten the lockdown in the Free State until the end of January.

Among other things, it is being discussed whether the winter holidays should be brought forward from February to the last week of January.

Thuringia currently has the highest infection values ​​of all federal states after Saxony.


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