
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - According to Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), with the planned tightening of the corona rules, the federal and state governments are also reacting to the lack of discipline among some citizens when it comes to compliance with hygiene and distance rules.

"If you had kept your distance, you could not have become infected," said the head of government on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting in Magdeburg with a view to the still high number of infections.

He explicitly excluded people who work in medicine and nursing "and hold their heads up to us that the system works at all."

The current infections did not arise in summer or autumn, but at Christmas and in the days after.

Apparently, many of them would not have followed the rules.

If people did not understand that they themselves are largely responsible for what happens to them, the state's hands will be tied at some point.

The number of new infections is not developing "how we want it and how we need it," emphasized the Prime Minister.

"And that's why we now also need effects."

The federal and state governments had previously agreed to extend the lockdown until the end of January and tighten the contact restrictions.

In private, only meetings with a person who does not belong to the household should be allowed.

"That is a tough measure, but irrefutable," said Haseloff.

Because a large part of the infections would come from the private sector.

In addition, there would no longer be many possibilities of restriction beyond the private, "except that it comes to a total stop of social life in production," warned Haseloff.

The cabinet should implement the regulations in a new state regulation in the coming days.