• Government, Zingaretti: I say no to a crisis with unpredictable developments

  • Government.

    Count hanging by a thread.

    M5s-Pd, new government hypothesis.

    Renzi ready to pull the plug

  • FdI, Meloni raises no-confidence motion: "Government totally inadequate to manage crisis"


05 January 2021 Crossed bans, tensions, reshuffle hypotheses. The scenario of a government crisis continues to shake the waters of the majority while Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte seeks the square to stay at Palazzo Chigi. Some substantial changes to the RecoveryPlan have unofficially opened negotiations to give life to a Conte-ter or an extensively "restructured" Conte-bis. Negotiation that, for now, remains uphill. If there is an agreement, the Conte-ter will be born quickly, between the Epiphany and January 9 and with the start of the Recovery and Resilience Plan a CDM between January 7 and 8 which would be immediately followed by the reshuffle. But the risk of a crisis is far from averted.   

Matteo Renzi, leader of IV, withdraws from his personal participation in the Count-ter: "I will not be a minister", he cuts short. But it does not ease the siege of the premier. And he insists on the contents and on the government's change of course. The allies, however, hold back: the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti warns that a crisis would have "unpredictable developments" and says "no" to positions "that destabilize, incomprehensible to citizens". In fact, the Secretary Dem demands a shot from Prime Minister Conte but also sends a warning to Renzi. Alluding once again to the risk of returning to the polls. Vito Crimi and Alfonso Bonafede are also in the same vein. "A crisis in the middle of a pandemic is incomprehensible", warn the two "big names" of the M5S, recalling the Movement's readiness for dialogue, but not on everything. On the Mes, explains a prominent five-star source, groups, for example, would not hold up.

Pd brakes on crisis in the dark

"The current majority is the only possible one and the Prime Minister must do everything to recover the cohesion of the partners on a legislative program that is clear and coherent. I expect a different awareness from Conte already in the next few hours. Team play is much more profitable than playing solo '' says in an interview with the newspaper "Il Dubbio" the leader of the PD at Palazzo Madama Andrea Marcucci. '' The majority and the government can be strengthened. the awareness that we can no longer get by must produce a shock in the activity of this executive. I always thought that Conte would go on just doing things. I have not changed my mind. A year awaits us that will be particularly complicated, there are many problems to deal with ", concludes the group leader Pd. While the deputy secretary Andrea Orlando on twitter jabs at Iv: "I do not envy those who will have to argue the timeliness of a government crisis produced in this precise historical moment".

M5s Camera Group: "Conte premier fixed point"

"M5s will never support a government that is not a Conte government". Riccardo Ricciardi, deputy vice president of the M5s group in the Chamber, said this in Agorà. Last night the assembly of M5s deputies spoke in favor of Giuseppe Conte. Several deputies expressed their support for the premier defined by someone as "essential" or "not replaceable" as a "choice in the interest of the country". "Do not touch" was the request that came in other interventions. In the debate, underlines a leading source of the 5s, "there is a fixed point and it is represented by Conte premier".

The moves of Conte and the hypotheses on the reshuffle

On Recovery the excerpt of the Foundation on Cybersecurity and the changes to the balances in the text (with more space for investments, with an eye to the dossiers dear to the Dems) in Iv is considered a beginning, no more . It is the transfer of the proxy to the Services that, perhaps, would really unlock the impasse. A move that Conte seems to have almost convinced himself after having really toyed with the idea of ​​returning to the polls. "Conte is a responsible person, and he is showing it," explains a fontec who is familiar with the premier. The Services box would be part of the reshuffle for the Conte-ter, which sees its node in the Interior Ministry. The Colle's vigilance remains high on the ministry. 

At the Quirinale, parliamentary sources explain, they could also accept a substantial reshuffle - with consequent new confidence in the Chambers - but it would be more problematic to insert a political leader in the place of Luciana Lamorgese, a technical guarantee figure. And it is not a trivial fact, given that the owner of the Interior Ministry would be ready, as a servant of the State, to step aside, even if it would probably require a call from the Quirinale and the clarification by the political forces that is not replaced for inefficiency. The triangle that would see Renzi at the Farnesina and Luigi Di Maio at the Interior thus seems to die in the bud. It is possible, however, that the Defense will go to Iv, with the consequent displacement of Lorenzo Guerini. "If the issue is on the dossiers and also on the armchairs, let it be understood. You cannot go to Renzi and ask him" is this ministry okay? ", Underlines a majority source, betraying a tension that could stop any agreement." they no longer want we are ready ", is the move of Matteo Salvini, who does not mention names or surnames on the possible premier.