
Because of the far too high number of corona infections, Germany is facing an extension of the lockdown until the end of January and further tightening to reduce contacts.

In a draft resolution sent by the Federal Chancellery to the federal states on Tuesday for the federal-state round with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the continuation of the lockdown until January 31 is proposed.

In addition, the possibility of significantly restricting people's range of motion when the infection rate is high is discussed.

The existing contact restrictions are to be massively tightened.

In extension of the existing resolutions, private get-togethers should only be allowed alone, as in the spring, with another person not living in the household or with members of the household, according to the draft available to the German Press Agency from several sources .

This regulation is not linked to a specific incidence number.

So far, meetings with up to five people from other households are permitted.

The draft bears the date line January 5, 1:50 p.m.

This is also available to WELT.


Furthermore, it is under discussion to reduce the stay to an area of ​​15 kilometers around the place of residence in regions with an incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week.

In the corresponding draft passage, however, it is initially left open how a regulation can look exactly.

This must now be discussed in the round of the federal and state governments.

"Bild" and "n-tv" reported first.

According to "Business Insider", the proposal for this had previously come from the Chancellery.

In the draft it says: In the districts concerned, the federal states would take further local measures in accordance with the Infection Protection Act to restrict the range of motion to [take] / [check], unless there is a valid reason.

The square brackets mean that this has to be discussed in the group.

“Shopping, traveling and day trips are explicitly not a valid reason,” the draft continues.

The closure of large parts of trade, restaurants and schools and day-care centers, which has been in effect since December 16, is to be maintained according to the draft.

However, it is still open whether, in addition to the special rules for graduating classes, alternate lessons should also be offered in primary schools.


The start of the online conference originally planned for 11 a.m. on an extension of the lockdown measures in the corona crisis was pushed back by two hours and then another good hour to 2.15 p.m.

In Saxony, the 15-kilometer radius already applies

An action radius regulation is already being implemented in Saxony, where a 15-kilometer radius applies.

Thuringia also wants to take such a measure.

Both federal states are currently particularly hard hit by the pandemic.

In the days before, there had already been signs that public life would not restart due to the high number of infections and that the lockdown would probably be extended by three weeks until the end of January.

Many shops in Germany, but also schools and daycare centers, have been closed since December 16.

There are also strict restrictions, for example for private meetings.

Restaurants, cultural and leisure facilities had to close several weeks beforehand.

The aim of the measures is to avoid contact between people and thus avoid infection with the coronavirus.

Ramelow: "We will have to take it a lot harder"




Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) had not only spoken out in favor of extended, but also stricter corona restrictions.

"I will argue today at the Prime Minister's Conference on the side of those who say: We will have to tackle it much more sharply and much harder," said Ramelow on Tuesday on Deutschlandfunk.

"I thought for a long time that we would get through the crisis better." But they were wrong, said Ramelow, who was an advocate of an easing course in the summer.

He also spoke out against opening schools and kindergartens.

Instead of debating openings, everyone should better withdraw.

This would give you a chance to protect the health system, said the Prime Minister.