
Kiel (dpa / lno) - Schleswig-Holstein took over the chairmanship of the consumer protection ministers' conference at the beginning of the new year.

In an increasingly digitized world, consumer protection must be designed in such a way that people from different generations, social classes and cultural backgrounds can master their everyday life in a well-informed and responsible manner, explained on Monday the head of department Claus Christian Claussen (CDU).

Framework conditions are required for a consumer policy that provides people with effective instruments to enforce their rights, strengthens their consumption skills, protects their economic interests and lays down rules for trustworthy digital change.

The EU Commission has given important food for thought with a new agenda.

The federal and state ministers should develop joint positions on this.

If the development of the corona pandemic permits, this year's main conference of ministers is to take place in May in Westerland on Sylt.

Ministry to the Conference of Consumer Protection Ministers