
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 5, 2021:

1st calendar week, 5th day of the year

Another 360 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Emilie, Gerlach



2020 - Iran is no longer committed to the 2015 Vienna Atomic Energy Agreement.

According to the Irna news agency, Tehran will now continue its nuclear program indefinitely and also enrich uranium without limits.

2020 - The social democrat Zoran Milanovic wins the presidential election in Croatia.

2018 - The disclosure book "Fire and Fury" about the White House under Donald Trump appears in the USA.

The author is the journalist Michael Wolff.


2001 - The Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov signs an order to suspend the work of the Mir space station and its submergence in the Pacific.

1996 - The Israeli secret service kills Hamas terrorist Jehije Ajasch with explosives in his mobile phone.

1972 - US President Richard Nixon announces that NASA should advance the development of a “space shuttle”.

1951 - The German Olympic Society (DOG) is founded with the aim of promoting the spread of the Olympic idea in sport and society.

1919 - KPD and USPD supporters begin an armed coup attempt in Berlin.

The so-called Spartacus uprising is suppressed by January 15, 165 people are killed.

1809 - The Ottoman Empire and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Canak (today Canakkale / Turkey).

Among other things, it stipulates that no non-Turkish ship may enter the Dardanelles or the Bosporus.



1956 - Frank-Walter Steinmeier (65), German politician, 12th Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany since 2017

1946 - Diane Keaton (75), American actress ("Der Stadtneurotiker", "Manhattan")

1931 - Alfred Brendel (90), Austrian pianist, important piano virtuoso, first complete recording of Beethoven's piano works

1931 - Robert Duvall (90), American actor ("Apocalypse Now", "Shackles of Power", "Comeback of Love")

1921 - Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Swiss writer (“The Old Lady's Visit”), d. 1990


2016 - Pierre Boulez, French composer and conductor, Bayreuth Wagner Festival (including 1976 conductor of the “Jahrhundert-Ring”), Baden-Baden Festival Hall, New York Philharmonic Orchestra, b.


1896 - Anton Philipp Reclam, German publisher, revolutionized the publishing world in 1867 with inexpensive classics in pocket format (“Universal Library”). The first title was Goethe's “Faust”, nee.


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