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03 January 2021 Ten nuns died in a retirement home in Cervia, in the Ravenna area, affected by Covid-19.

The Ravenna edition of the Resto del Carlino reports it.

The structure, which housed mostly elderly nuns, has become a coronavirus outbreak in recent weeks, with 45 guests who have all been infected.

Ten of them did not survive, they were between 80 and 93 years old.

The others are now negative for the virus, have recovered, except for one nun who is still positive but without symptoms.

Don Cabantous: "We didn't think the virus could hit so hard"

"Now it is only a matter of time before the structure can be called 'Covid free' - says Fr Pierre Laurent Cabantous, pastor of the Santa Maria Assunta co-cathedral in Cervia -. There is a gradual improvement, and no one is in hospital anymore".

Don Cabantous also retraces this last month in the retirement home, starting with the first cases at the beginning of December: "In the first phase, 22 were positivized - says the parish priest - and in the end they all became infected. And the thing that is sorry. it is also that the nuns had been extremely attentive and full of caution already since last February, at the first signs of the virus. Since then they had practically never come out, and they have resisted until early December, when Covid managed to enter ".

"It is true that most of those who did not make it were very old and suffered from previous pathologies - continues Fr Cabantous - but this does not mean anything, it does not change the pain and mourning. For the moment we are waiting for the situation stabilize, then we intend to hold celebrations in suffrage for them, with the presence of some nuns representing the structure. There is talk of after the Epiphany. This last month has been painful. Frankly we did not think that the virus could hit in such a strong way. We did not expect such a high number of deaths, even if I must say that in the facilities for the elderly it was a disaster all over Italy ".