
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 3, 2021:

53rd calendar week, 3rd day of the year

362 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Adela, Genovefa, Irmina, Odilo



2011 - After more than 50 years of conscription, young men are drafted into the armed forces for the last time, even against their will.

Around 12,000 conscripts start their service.

Conscription is to be suspended on July 1st.

2006 - France lifts the emergency law imposed on November 8, 2005 because of the youth riots in the immigrant suburbs.

2001 - The newly elected US Congress meets for its first session.

The most prominent newcomer is the outgoing “First Lady” Hillary Clinton (Democrat) as Senator for New York State.

She is the first "First Lady" to be elected to Congress.


1976 - The hurricane «Capella» triggers a storm surge in northwest Germany.

The North Sea reaches highs: in Hamburg it is around 6.45 meters, in Husum 5.66 meters.

At least 16 people are killed in Germany and 82 in all of north-western Europe.

1966 - The government of Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) under President Maurice Yameogo is overthrown in a military coup.

Yameogo declares his resignation.

1961 - The SL-1 military research reactor near Idaho Falls (USA) gets out of control during maintenance work and explodes.

Three technicians die, the environment is heavily contaminated.

1961 - The US breaks off diplomatic relations with Cuba.

1868 - In Japan, Emperor Mutsuhito takes power after 700 years of rule by the imperial generals, the shoguns.

1521 - Pope Leo X imposes a ban on Martin Luther and thus excludes him from the Catholic Church.



2003 - Greta Thunberg (18), Swedish climate protection activist, Alternative Nobel Prize 2019

1956 - Mel Gibson (65), Irish-American actor and director, «Braveheart», «Mad Max»

1946 - John Paul Jones (75), British musician and record producer, bass player for the rock group Led Zeppelin ("Whole Lotta Love")

1941 - Horst W. Opaschowski (80), German leisure researcher and pedagogue, founder and scientific director of the BAT Leisure Research Institute 1979-2007

1926 - W. Michael Blumenthal (95), American politician and economist, US Treasury Secretary 1977-79;

Founding director and director of the Jewish Museum in Berlin 1997-2014


2016 - Paul Bley, Canadian jazz pianist and composer, was one of the free jazz avant-gardists of the 1960s with Charlie Haden, Don Cherry, Ornette Coleman and others.


2011 - Eva Strittmatter, German writer and poet ("Wildbirnenbaum. Poems"), b.


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