US President Donald Trump has urged him to participate in protests aimed at confirming the victory of President-elect Joe Biden on New Year's Day, local time.

President Trump wrote on Twitter today that "a massive protest will be held on January 6th at 11 am in Washington DC," and "Site information will come later. Stop theft!"

Aimed at the final confirmation of the president-elect Biden's presidential victory at the Senate-Household joint meeting on the 6th, he asked supporters to show off their power through massive protests.

President Trump's tweet came at a time when President Trump's veto of the Defense Authorization Act was nullified, with more than two-thirds support in the Senate.

The Democrats as well as Republican senators turned their backs, and President Trump wooed his supporters at the time when the veto power was nullified for the first time.

Trump support groups have announced that they will hold a massive rally in Washington, DC on the 6th.

President Trump also posted a separate tweet saying, "A lot of evidence will come out on the 6th. We won a lot."

President Trump has lost most of the lawsuits because he insisted on manipulating the presidential election but failed to provide evidence.

In a separate tweet, President Trump even snipes Republican Senate Secretary John Thun.

South Dakota Governor Christy Noham tweeted that he wanted him to go to the Senate in 2022 against House Secretary Tune.

Director-elect Tune has announced an official position to acknowledge Biden's victory.

President Trump, who was staying at a private Florida resort, shortened his schedule and returned to the White House the day before.

It is observed that the intention is to promote the'last rebellion' by encouraging Republican lawmakers ahead of the Senate and House joint meeting on the 6th.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)