
Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - New Year's Eve with Corona restrictions went quietly in Saarland.

There were no incidents, said a police spokeswoman on New Year's Eve.

"Not only in connection with Corona - there were also very few fireworks."

It was “much quieter than in previous years”.

In contrast to previous years, house fires were hardly reported either.

According to the police, New Year's Eve had already started very quietly.

The police had announced that they wanted to check, together with the municipal regulatory authorities, whether people were complying with the corona rules.

She wanted to punish violations consistently.

But many people had stayed at home anyway.

The usual New Year's Eve celebrations had to be canceled due to the corona pandemic.

There was no general ban on fireworks in Saarland.

However, publicly held fireworks were prohibited.

In the state capital of Saarbrücken, a ban on alcohol and fireworks had been issued in places where a particularly large number of people had come together in recent years.

Alcohol consumption was also prohibited in parts of downtown Saarlouis on New Year's Eve.


City of Saarbrücken on regulations for New Year's Eve

General decree from Saarlouis for New Year's Eve