
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Berlin fire brigade was much less busy than usual at the turn of the year on New Year's Eve, which was quieter due to corona restrictions and firecrackers bans.

Between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. she went out for 862 missions - in the previous year this number was significantly higher at 1523 missions.

The firefighters fought 211 fires on Friday night (2019/20: 617), as state fire director Karsten Homrighausen reported.

In addition, there were 556 rescue services.

This year, too, emergency services and vehicles of the Berlin fire brigade were attacked, albeit to a lesser extent than at the turn of the year 2019/2020.

The fire brigade counted five such attacks, four of them with pyrotechnics.

For comparison: A year ago there were 24 attacks on emergency services on New Year's Eve.

"Anyone who puts their service in the common good and rushes to help people in need will not be fired at with guns," said Homrighausen.

"This behavior cannot be justified."


The fire brigade chief expressly thanked all around 1,500 full-time and volunteer workers.

In Berlin, 865 employees of the professional fire brigade and 550 volunteers of the volunteer fire brigades were on duty on New Year's Eve.

They were supported by 90 helpers from other organizations in the rescue service and 20 employees from the technical relief organization.

Fire department balance sheet