
I mentioned earlier that the first patient of Corona 19 was reported in China a year ago, but it is still unknown where the patient was infected and how he got it.

The debate over the start of the corona continues, as the conflict between the United States and China has added to that.

This is the Beijing correspondent Songwook.


Yunnan Province, China, where bats designated as hosts of the Corona 19 virus live.

A black car, which appears to be a part of the public security system, continues to follow the vehicles of foreign media that went to the field.

The road to the bat cave was blocked by villagers.

[Yunnan residents: No!

There are no bats here!] The

Associated Press reports that the Chinese government is tightly controlling all research into the origins of the coronavirus.

Corona 19 is believed to have originated in wild animals, but it has not been proven.

The first known symptoms of Wuhan patients appeared on December 8 of last year, but there are claims that the infection started in mid-November.

The World Health Organization WHO is sending an investigation team to China next month to find out the origin of Corona 19.

This is an on-site investigation conducted after 1 year of an outbreak report.

[Fabian Linderz/ WHO Investigation Team: This activity is not looking for countries responsible for Corona 19.]

While China is welcoming the investigation outwardly, it is eager to claim that it originated in China.

There are research results suggesting that coronavirus existed in Italy, etc., prior to Wuhan, and it is trying to raise the rumors that the corona 19 virus was detected in imported frozen foods and could cause infection.

[Zeng Guang/Chief Scientist of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control in China: We cannot rule out the possibility that it occurred first in Wuhan, but it may have been imported from abroad.] As the

theory of responsibility for the corona, which inflicted enormous damage to the world, overlaps with the heightened US-China conflict this year. The investigation of the origins necessary to prevent the pandemic from recurring is still sluggish.

(Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun, Video editing: Lee So-young)