
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for January 1, 2021:

53rd calendar week, 1st day of the year

364 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Wilhelm, Fulgentius



2020 - So-called sky lanterns set the monkey house in Krefeld zoo on fire.

Among the more than 30 animals killed is the 49-year-old silverback gorilla «Massa».

Three women are said to have caused the accident.

2019 - In addition to “male” and “female”, the “diverse” option for intersex people is also possible in the birth register from the beginning of the year.

2011 - A suicide bomber blows himself up on New Year's Eve in front of a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt.

23 people are killed.


2006 - At the beginning of the year, the Freedom of Information Act comes into force at the federal level.

Every citizen receives access to official information of the federal authorities in compliance with data protection and secrecy protection, without having to prove a legitimate interest.

2001 - In Volendam, the Netherlands, a New Year's Eve party ends in disaster.

In a fire in a bar, 14 people are killed and around 130 are seriously injured

1991 - The former northeast Prussia with the city of Königsberg (today Kaliningrad) is again accessible to visitors.

Due to its exposed location and the military facilities there, the area was closed to foreigners during Soviet rule.

1986 - The Lower Saxony state government founds the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park.

1946 - Emperor Hirohito of Japan renounces the claim to divinity of his person in a radio address.

1901 - New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South and West Australia and Tasmania merge to form the Australian Confederation.



1961 - Sven Regener (60), German musician (singer of the Element of Crime group) and writer ("Herr Lehmann", "Neue Vahr Süd")

1956 - Christine Lagarde (65), French politician, President of the European Central Bank since 2019

1951 - Hans-Joachim Stuck (70), German racing driver, son of the racing driver and “mountain king” Hans Stuck

1951 - Jim Rakete (70), German photographer, portrait and advertising photography

1921 - César, French sculptor, “Le Pouce” (thumb), created the sculpture for the “César” film award - in the form of a cuboid pressed plastic;

Premium Imperiale 1997, died 1998


2001 - Hans-Günter Martens, German actor and radio presenter (Kriminalrat Friedrichs in the "Tatort" episodes of Südwestrundfunk), born.


2001 - Ray Walston, American actor (“My Uncle from Mars”, “Kiss Me, Fool”, “Picket Fences”), b.


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