The power of the people poured out criticism on the'Impeachment of Yoon Seok-yeol' raised by some of the passports.

Rep. Jeong Jin-seok said on social media, "What is the impeachment..."

Rep. Kim Ki-Hyun said to the passport, "Impeach the President of Yun Suk-yeol, the first trial of the court, and take the whole prosecutor's right to investigate and make a law that takes the command of Yun, and there is a lot of arrogance."

He added, "I am making a law because of a specific person, and I am going to change the law in order to avoid a specific person, but it's not like eating meth."

There were also suspicions that the Democratic Party Rep. Kim Doo-gwan, who took the lead in the impeachment theory, intends to pursue the impeachment of President Yoon with the aim of evading his investigation.

Rep. Cho Soo-jin shared an article on the court testimony in March by former Tong Yang University President Choi Seong-hae, saying,'I was asked by Rep. Kim Doo-gwan and Chairman of Roh Moo-Hyeon-dan, Yoo Si-min, to give a testimony in favor of the former ministers and couples.

He said, "There was a reason why Congressman Kim Doo-gwan was raging, such as claiming the impeachment of Yoon Seok-yeol."

Former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won said, "The last stage of the 3rd stage of the regime's control of judicial control of the judiciary by this regime." He said, "I'm going to remove the judges I don't like by impeachment."

Former Congressman Lee Hye-hoon turned the arrow to the President, saying, "If the defeated Justice Minister and his limbs are not properly punished, the President's apology is just a show if it ends with accepting a minister's resignation."

(Photo = Yonhap News)