Sofia Vu, 19, says that she has become accustomed to hearing people shout racist or abusive words at her since she moved to Sweden.

At the same time, she feels that few take it seriously.

- Every time I or someone I know tries to bring up racism against East Asians, people do not believe it, or they say that it is a joke and that you have to joke with it.

Therefore, I felt I needed to record it.

Accused of corona

She set Sweden as a place in the app.

When she started the video chats, the people on the other side immediately began to comment on her appearance, many before she even said a word.

Some assumed she was from China and accused her of being the cause of the coronavirus.

- As soon as someone sees me, their first thought is to open their eyes, say 'nǐ hǎo' (hello in Chinese) or imitate Chinese sounds or words.

Sofia Vu cut together what she was involved in and published the video on social media.

It spread widely.

Parents have reported to the police

Afterwards, she has received a lot of love, but also hatred and threats.

The video features minors.

Sofia therefore chose to download the video to upload an anonymized version.

- Some parents of the children have reported me to the police for libel and slander.

They say I hang out with their children on the internet, she says.

- Parents should keep in mind that their children who are minors participate in a site that is for people over 18 years.

They should talk to the kids and not blame the problem on me.

Often wrapped in humor

Tobias Hübinette is a senior lecturer at Karlstad University and researches the subject of racism.

- It is definitely the case that the specific racism against Asians is wrapped in humor.

This is the stereotype of Asians that we often see in cultural contexts and in popular culture.

It is therefore difficult to fight - precisely because humor is perceived as something positive.

Tobias Hübinette believes that there is a lack of awareness of what racism against Asians looks like.   

- Today we have learned in Sweden that racism is directed at different minorities in different ways, most people now understand that.

Racism takes different forms because racism against different minorities has different historical backgrounds.

When it comes to racism against Asians, however, it is blank for the vast majority, many do not even understand that it is perceived as racism at all.