The draft law on the Suppression of Vile Exploitation and Malicious Espionage by the PRC in order to deny entry to Congress was presented amid recent reports that in 2014 a "Chinese spy" managed to "infiltrate" a circle of officials working on Capitol Hill.

As specified, the document will oblige the bailiffs of the House of Representatives and the Senate to consult with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of State and the FBI "to create an interdepartmental biographical data verification plan, allowing more accurate identification of links with the Chinese Communist Party."

Also, subject to the entry into force of the document, all members of the United States Congress, including trainees, will have to undergo a check.

If during such events it turns out that any of the congressional officials was "associated" with the Chinese Communist Party or intended to "spy" in favor of the PRC, he will be "immediately fired," according to a press release on Congressman Murphy's website.

Moreover, the authorized persons will report the situation to the congressional intelligence committees, and the FBI will investigate the case.

According to Murphy, "China will stop at nothing" to steal secret intelligence and US intellectual property.

“Now that we know that the Chinese have managed to infiltrate the halls of Congress, we need to act responsibly and take appropriate action,” the congressman added.

Earlier, Republicans from the US House of Representatives asked the FBI to hold briefings for congressional staff about the efforts China is making to influence US lawmakers.