
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 28, 2020:

53rd calendar week, 363rd day of the year

3 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Franz



2019 - A devastating bomb attack kills at least 83 people and injures dozens more in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.

The Islamist terrorist militia Al-Shabaab is committed to the act.

2015 - The Polish Constitutional Court loses much of its powers to control government and parliament.

A corresponding law by the new national-conservative government comes into force, despite international protests.

2005 - The first "Giove-A" test satellite for the European Galileo navigation system is launched from the Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan.


2005 - In Yemen, the former State Secretary in the Foreign Office, Jürgen Chrobog, and his wife and three sons are kidnapped.

On December 31st, Chrobog and his family are released.

1978 - After heavy snowstorms, Northern Germany is buried under a blanket of snow.

At temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees, traffic collapses almost completely in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and the northern GDR.

Ten people are killed in Schleswig-Holstein alone.

150 places are temporarily cut off from the outside world, 80 communities without electricity.

1965 - The FC Hansa Rostock is founded by the separation of the soccer department of the SC Empor Rostock.

1908 - A severe earthquake destroys the southern Italian cities of Messina and Reggio di Calabria.

Between 70,000 and 100,000 people are killed.

It is one of the worst natural disasters in Europe in the 20th century.

1895 - In the Grand Café in Paris, the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière hold the first public film screening with their cinematograph.

1836 - British Governor John Hindmarsh proclaims the establishment of a government for the British province of South Australia.



1958 - Gilles Leroy (62), French writer ("Alabama Song", "Zola Jackson")

1955 - André Herzberg (65), German rock singer, band Pankow

1953 - James Foley (67), American director ("Seduction of a Stranger", "Confidence", "The Chamber", "Who's That Girl")

1953 - Richard Clayderman (67), French pianist ("Ballade pour Adeline")

1925 - Hildegard Knef, German actress and singer, film "Die Sünderin", autobiography "The gift horse", chanson "For me it should rain red roses", d. 2002


2015 - Lemmy Kilmister, British rock musician, singer and bassist for the hard rock band Motörhead (album "Kiss Of Death"), b.


1945 - Theodore Dreiser, American writer ("An American Tragedy"), b.


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