
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 27, 2020:

52nd calendar week, 362nd day of the year

4 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Esso, Fabiola, Johannes, Rudger



2019 - After a wave of outrage, Westdeutsche Rundfunk deletes a video from the WDR-2 Facebook page in which a corruption of the song "My grandma drives a motorcycle in the chicken coop" was sung by the WDR children's choir as an environmental satire.

A fictional grandmother was referred to there as an "environmental pig".

2010 - Pirates hijack a German freighter again.

On the journey from the United Arab Emirates to Greece, the "EMS River" falls into the hands of pirates.

On March 2, 2011, the shipping company announced that the freighter was free again.

The spokesman does not say whether the ransom was paid.

2005 - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan appoints Green politician Tom Koenigs in New York as the new UN special envoy for Afghanistan.


2000 - American researchers at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore succeed in producing stem cells in a laboratory for the first time.

This is announced by the university.

2000 - The famous Cafe «Kranzler» returns to Berlin's Kurfürstendamm.

The coffee house legend opens in a completely different form in the city quarter "Neues Kranzler Eck".

1995 - Despite global protests, France continues its nuclear tests and detonates an underground test on the South Seas atoll Mururoa.

1985 - Almost at the same time, Palestinian commandos of the Abu Nidal group storm the check-in desks of the airline El Al in Vienna and Rome.

20 people are killed.

1965 - The 5,600 ton British oil rig "Sea Gem" capsizes and sinks off the Humber Estuary.

13 people are killed.

1703 - The Methuen Treaty between Portugal and England opens up Portugal to English wool and cloth and in return the English market for Portuguese wines.



1958 - Florian Martens (62), German actor, criminal investigation officer Otto Garber in the ZDF series "A strong team"

1952 - David Knopfler (68), British musician, co-founder of the group Dire Straits (album «Communiqué»)

1943 - Stephan Sulke (77), Swiss singer and songwriter («Uschi», music for the children's musical «Heidi»)

1942 - Klaus Hoffer (78), Austrian writer ("Bei den Bieresch")

1925 - Michel Piccoli, French actor («The big food», «The walker from Sans-Souci»), died 2020


2015 - Ellsworth Kelly, American painter and object artist (picture “Red Green Blue”), b.


1950 - Max Beckmann, German painter and graphic artist (cycles “Der Jahrmarkt”, “Berliner Reise”, “Faces”), b.


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