It starts on the first day of the week and without you feeling that Friday has come, you sleep every night, intending to start tomorrow, but tomorrow ends like yesterday. Business piles up on you and you narrow yourself with it and freeze in your place more, so how do you get rid of this feeling and start organizing your life so that the next year will be better ?

At the end of each year, we recall the vigor of the first day of the year that ends, and ask: How did it end?

This year has witnessed changes that were not unthinkable and no one was spared, so forgive yourself and do not blame her for falling short, take a deep breath and believe that you can change your situation for the better.

The beginning of the thread

For at least 3 days, take a small note or use your phone to write down everything you do, no matter how easy it is, if you completed a week it would have been better, as you will know the full weekly cycle of your commitments, then look at your days and evaluate them, because there is strength in looking from the top at the traps in which we are stuck. Every day, the distance from above is safe, ensuring a less sensitive view of our vulnerabilities.

Do not be embarrassed to write what is wasting your time, as having it on a piece of paper puts it in its normal size (Pixabay)

A waste of time

Do not be embarrassed to write what is wasting your time, because his presence on a piece of paper puts it in his normal size, so do not hide your head, but rather force him to look deeply into the motives, is wandering on the Internet a means of escape?

So, define what you are evading from and deal with it in isolation because this is what you may not have thought about before is what stands between you and your goal, so define it precisely, perhaps it was an escape from a decision or dependent on an answer to a question or on a skill that you lack, so do not hesitate to ask people of experience Do not be shy to ask and accept help, as they say "people to each other".

The loss of time may be associated with physical fatigue, illness or lack of sleep, and it may be related to talking with someone who leaves a negative impact on you, so withdraw this strength from him and force yourself to advance no matter what he says or does.

No one expects you to work hard every day, but make your own commitment to yourself enough to carry you through the slow days.

new page

Start writing what is the reality of the investigation and its ropes in your hand using anthropometric measurements, but if planning for the future is getting on your nerves, imagine it after it is over, what do you want to see in yourself about the change on the last day in 2021?

Now bring what you saw to the page that awaits you.

Whatever the goals, write down the tried and tested steps of those who preceded you and take care that future decisions depend on your past experiences and your systematic past at work, not on what you wish to be, and if your ability to focus ends after half an hour, it is reasonable to plan minutes of rest every half hour or 45 minutes. Do not plan for two consecutive hours, the more you consider your current capabilities, the more you will support them in the future without incapacitation.

Ways of life

"Those who are satisfied with their personal lives are more satisfied with their careers and do better," says Michael Hiatt, writer, lecturer and founder of Hyatt & Company.

Hayat divides the aspects of life into 10 sections: the educational aspect, the emotional aspect (the general mood), the physical aspect, the marital relationship, the educational aspect (for our children), the social relations aspect, the professional aspect, the additional skills aspect, the economic aspect, and the spiritual aspect (religion). .

Hayat provides a number of questions on his page, and by answering them, she identifies your weakest areas that need focus to be forced, and these aspects may differ from one person to another, so changing parents take the evaluation of paternity out of consideration, as well as you may have your own aspect, add it and evaluate it.

Dump your wishes and worries

What do you care about and hope to succeed in it?

Empty out on white paper everything that is going on in your head and everything that you wish to achieve, choose 3 projects that you focus on every month. The definition of the project is something that has a beginning and an end date of 4 to 6 weeks. Preparing an offer for a potential buyer is legitimate, washing clothes is a routine, but washing them for a donation is legitimate.

Converting goals into a plan with fixed dates, so a goal without an end date is just a dream (communication sites)

Annual vision board

Now that we have identified areas of wasting time, obstacles, and goals, it is time to announce them to ourselves, by preparing a vision board that we attach to the place where we spend most of our time, especially working time, a simple board in which beautification is not required to add cards, each of which has a goal or incentive so that you can be patient looking at it The higher the load.

The agenda

Now, get ready to turn these goals into a fixed-dates plan. As famous Canadian businessman Robert Herjavec said, "A goal without an end date is just a dream."

And since we are in the process of waking up to achieve what we have always dreamed of, then we must put the details of this new era on the agenda, there is what is electronic for you only and what allows the addition of a team, and there is paper in different sizes and designs, but all of them are one goal, organizing your life, so you must Choose the closest to you and your goals that you are passionate about using.

Some people use more than one method for different aspects of life, and the best is to reduce the number of agendas that you pursue to no more than two.

Difficulty in grasping aspects of life is natural, so the details of our living have become complicated, and the competition is high that embarrasses us to evaluate our characters with the standard of idealism, and this expectation in itself is capable of causing us to be tanned in the place, the wisest way of life is that with the passage of each year we become a revised version of ourselves, a copy of an improved arrangement Priorities, and this only results from an ordered mind.