
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 26, 2020:

52nd calendar week, 361st day of the year

5 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Name day: Stephan



2012 - Between Beijing and Canton (Guangzhou) in the south of China, the longest high-speed railway line in the world with a length of 2298 kilometers goes into operation.

2003 - 26,000 people die in a devastating earthquake in southeastern Iran.

The 2000 year old city of Bam is almost completely destroyed.

2000 - A gunman shoots seven of his colleagues at an Internet company in Wakefield, Massachusetts, before he can be overpowered by the police.


1990 - The Yugoslav republic of Slovenia declares its independence.

1978 - The 170 participants in the first Paris-Dakar rally start in Paris.

The French Cyril Neveu on a Yamaha motorcycle wins the joint ranking of all vehicles.

1952 - For the first time a soccer game is broadcast live on television by the then NWDR: the cup game FC St. Pauli - Hamborn 07.

1908 - With his knockout victory in Sydney / Australia over the Canadian Tommy Burns, Jack Johnson becomes the first black boxing world champion of all classes.

1825 - Because of the anti-reform attitude of the new Tsar Nicholas I, the Decembrists revolt, so called based on the Russian name for the month of December.

1805 - The Peace of Pressburg ends the Third Coalition War.

Austria has to forego large areas in favor of Emperor Napoleon's allies Bavaria and the Kingdom of Italy.



1985 - Beth Behrs (35), American actress ("2 Broke Girls")

1962 - Volker Kutscher (58), German journalist and writer, novels about Commissioner Gereon Rath, basis for the TV series "Babylon Berlin"

1955 - Ulrich Meyer (65), German TV journalist and film producer, moderator of the TV magazine “Akt” on Sat.1.


1947 - Peter Sattmann (73), German actor ("Abgeschminkt!", "Das Teufelsweib"), director and playwright

1910 - Imperio Argentina, Argentine singer and actress («Andalusian Nights», «Behind Harem Bars»), d. 2003


2013 - Marta Eggerth, Hungarian-American actress ("The Bridegroom Widow") and singer, former German cinema star, b.


1890 - Heinrich Schliemann, German merchant and archaeologist, discovered the “Treasure of Priam” in Troy / Western Turkey in 1873, b.


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