The limit of eight people does not apply to public transport, private events, shops or restaurants.

Such rules would have been difficult to live up to for over 300 households in Uppsala County.

- I do not know how we would have done, half would have had to live upstairs and half downstairs, say the parents of eight children Lina and Walter Torres.

"Restaurant visits were not even to think about"

But even if the current restrictions only affect public contexts, there are occasions that will be tricky for the Torres family.

In a restaurant, for example, you can only sit four people at the same table.

- Restaurant visits were not even to think about.

But we do not go to a restaurant the whole family, it is a project in itself.

So we were already corona-adapted before.

In the clip, you get to meet the entire Torres family with all ten members, who tell how they adapted their lives in the pandemic.