
Munich (dpa) - All travelers returning from risk areas are subject to a corona test in Bavaria from Wednesday.

No later than 72 hours after entering the country, they have to present a test result to the responsible health department, this was decided by the Bavarian cabinet in Munich on Tuesday.

Those returning from vacation and family can also present corona tests that were carried out abroad.

However, the test may not be older than 48 hours.

«The vacation must not become a risk.

Safety comes first.

In addition, Bavaria is introducing compulsory tests for those returning to travel, ”said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) according to the announcement.

Söder has been in quarantine himself since Monday because of a proven corona case in his cabinet.

«It is best not to travel to risk areas at all.

So everyone stays better protected. "


In addition, there is still a strict quarantine requirement for people entering from risk areas.

You have to go to your own apartment or suitable accommodation immediately after entering the country and isolate yourself there for ten days.

The quarantine can be ended with a negative test after five days at the earliest.

According to the State Chancellery, there are only exception rules for system-critical activities of certain professional groups, for example in the areas of care and public safety.

Regardless of this, all nurses, including foreign nurses, are obliged to have themselves tested for the coronavirus twice a week.

On the European mainland there are currently only regions in France (Brittany), Greece, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Austria (two communities on the German border) that are not classified as risk areas.

In addition, there are regions in Ireland as well as Portuguese Madeira, French Corsica, a large part of the Greek islands, the British Isle of Man and the Channel Island of Guernsey as well as the Danish islands of Greenland and Faroe Islands.


The classification as a risk area occurs when a country or region exceeds the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days.

All of Germany and most of the other European countries are therefore risk areas.

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