In a corner of a newly built block in central Norrköping is the small restaurant Skrymslet under the stairs.

Here, Michelle Bäck has invested in a restaurant with only a vegan menu.

- We lived in a bubble here when we built the restaurant, so the corona pandemic was only at first something diffuse that happened out there in the world.

We did not know what to expect, says restaurateur Michelle Bäck. 

Every single portion counts

But reality caught up and after tougher restrictions, diners also became increasingly rare.

Then it is difficult to get the accounts to go together.              

- It's very tough right now.

As soon as the number of guests dips a little, we are extremely much affected.

We are so dependent on every single portion sold, she says.  

Strong post on social media

In a call for help, Michelle wrote a post on social media a few days ago - which affected many:

"I'm afraid.

I pay the bills;

the money disappears faster than we get it.

Rent, interest, waste collection, electricity, alarms, insurance, pest protection, SAMI, STIM, internet, card terminal, cash register system .... Regardless of the number of guests, regardless of whether we are open or not, these must be paid.

Salaries, VAT, employer contributions, supplier costs ....

I'm afraid I do not know what else I can do;

I'm powerless here

, ”Michelle wrote in her post.

- Before I published the post, I had it on my phone for two weeks, because I did not want to have to ask for help.

But in the end, I had no choice anymore when we went towards zero, and I wanted to be open and show that there is so much more than just a few salaries to be paid, she says.

New guests support

The response from her customers was not long in coming.

Suddenly the phone started ringing again and some bookings fell in.

- It feels absolutely fantastic.

Guests who have never been here before have seen the message and come here to support us.

That people want to help who have no relationship with us before, it's so nice and inconceivable.

I'm completely in tears.

Now we may be able to continue for another month, she says.

"Only myself left"

Some restaurateurs who have difficulty with profitability have laid off staff in anticipation of better times.

But for Michelle Bäck, it is not an option - so far.

- It's only if you have redundant staff, but we're just the two of us here, me and my chef, so closing is not an option.

But we have started looking at laying off the chef if I am forced to.

Then only I will be left here, Michelle Bäck concludes.

Hear more in the clip above when Michelle Bäck tells more about her post and situation as a restaurateur right now.