
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 21, 2020:

52nd calendar week, 356th day of the year

10 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Name day: Richard, Peter



2015 - For the first time it was possible to launch a launcher into space that returned safely to the launch site.

The Falcon 9 rocket from the US company SpaceX was launched from the US spaceport Cape Canaveral and had deployed eleven satellites.

2005 - Pop star Elton John and his partner David Furnish get married in Windsor.

This makes them one of the first homosexual couples to tie the knot under the new British laws.

2000 - The long-contested commuter allowance clears the last hurdle in the Federal Council.


2000 - The handover of the important painting collection of the art patron Heinz Berggruen to the federal government is sealed in Berlin with the signing of a corresponding contract.

1995 - As part of the autonomy agreement, the city of Bethlehem in the West Bank is handed over to the Palestinian Authority after 28 years of Israeli occupation.

1975 - Terrorists attack the OPEC conference in Vienna and take around 70 hostages, including eleven oil ministers.

Three people are killed in an exchange of fire.

1958 - In France, Prime Minister Charles de Gaulle is elected first President of the Fifth Republic.

By changing the constitution, he has given the role of the president executive power.

1904 - Foundation of the International Motorcycle Federation (FIM) in Paris under the name “Fédération Internationale des Clubs Motocyclistes” (FICM).

1848 - In the Paulskirche in Frankfurt, the National Assembly passes the law on the fundamental rights of the German people.



1950 - Jeffrey Katzenberg (70), American film producer, founded DreamWorks SKG in 1994 with Steven Spielberg and David Geffen

1950 - Thomas Hürlimann (70), Swiss writer ("Fräulein Stark")

1945 - Dietmar Mues, German actor («The Odessa Files»), d. 2011

1940 - Frank Zappa, American rock musician (albums: "Freak Out! L", "Sheik Yerbouti", song: "Willie the Pimp"), d. 1993

1940 - Moritz de Hadeln (80), Swiss film director and festival director, head of the Berlin Film Festival (Berlinale) from 1979 to 2001


2000 - Al Gross, American inventor, developed the first walkie-talkie in 1938 and laid the foundations for cellular technology, b.


1940 - F. Scott Fitzgerald, American writer ("The Great Gatsby", "This Side of Paradise"), b.


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