Stanford University Hospital, one of the best medical facilities in the U.S., made an absurd mistake of removing medical staff from the corona 19 vaccination list, resulting in a commotion in which major doctors protested.

According to the New York Times (NYT) and others, Stanford Medical Center selected the first candidates for vaccination after receiving 5,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine, but made the mistake of removing the list of doctors and nurses who should be vaccinated first.

Instead, the staff selected by Stanford as priority immunizations were cleaning and restaurant service workers who did not have close contact with corona patients.

Stanford's mistake stemmed from an internal system failure.

A list of vaccinations was prepared by scoring the risk of corona exposure according to age, area of ​​work, and number of corona patients by department, but the result was that majors who work in department rotation were excluded from priority.

As a result, only 7 of the 1,300 medical staff received the vaccine, and doctors who had been dedicated to treating corona patients held protests.

Anaesthesiology resident Anna Fragman said, "Do you mean we got a zero point on the risk of corona exposure?" and said, "The doctors who worked at risk should have been included in the vaccination list."

"The devil is in the details," said James Dickerson, a major in internal medicine, and was concerned that this case at Stanford Hospital could happen elsewhere.

Stanford Hospital apologized for making a mistake when writing the vaccination list.

In a statement, Stanford Hospital said it would revise the list of vaccinations, saying, "I should have resolved the error that caused the unexpected results quickly."

(Photo = Twitter capture, Yonhap News)