The American Politico website says that the Egyptian government is continuing to contract with new pressure groups in preparation for the administration of President-elect Joe Biden.

The site said in an article that Egypt this week added former Senator Mark Bigich (Democrat from Alaska), who works with "Braunstein Hayat Farber Partner", to a growing team of lobbyists from the company.

He noted that Bigitch, who is also a former mayor of Anchorage, Alaska, served in the Senate when Biden was Vice President Barack Obama.

And the site commented that this is the latest sign of the government of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi expecting that the relatively friendly relations witnessed in the past four years have come to an end after the loss of Donald Trump.

And the site indicated that the aforementioned company signed, last month, an agreement worth 65 thousand dollars per month with the Egyptian ambassador, Moataz Zahran, days after Biden was appointed as the elected president, and the recruitment of a team that includes the former Speaker of the House of Representatives for Foreign Affairs Ed Royce (a Republican from California), Nadim Al-Shami, who is Former House of Representatives chief of staff Nancy Pelosi, two of the company’s Democratic and Republican partners, Alfred Motor and Mark Lampkin, as well as Douglas McGuire, director of policy for Brownstein.

Since last month, Martha Burke, David Cohen and Charlotte Carstens have also been added.

According to the Ministry of Justice files, the team will "provide governmental relations services and strategic advice" to Egypt in matters before the US government.