Parcel deliveries peak in intensity in the last week before Christmas, accentuated this year by the Covid-19.

In Créteil, the DHL center has recruited temporary workers to be able to deliver everyone on time, but that does not prevent employees from being subjected to high speeds.


There is not much time left to receive gifts under the tree and parcel deliveries are now done at a frantic pace.

This weekend of going on vacation is also the last one for Christmas shopping and among parcel carriers the excitement is on the rise.

On the DHL site in Créteil, there is no question of slackening the pace before the holidays for what is traditionally the busiest weekend of the year.

Especially since this year, the Covid has exploded the number of packages to be processed. 

A frantic pace until Christmas 

In Créteil, more than 65,000 parcels have to be processed in a single day, compared to 48,000 usually.

Inside, the employees' choreography is precise, the gestures are repeated with precision and efficiency, and the packages parade on the carpets.

Outside, the ballet of trucks and vans is incessant.

The peak of this already busy period is expected on Monday.

The pace is sometimes difficult to follow for employees like Vincent, sorting agent for a year and a half, who works nights.

"It's quite hard physically, we run everywhere. We have to surpass ourselves by hoping that we manage to send everything before December 24. With 25% more parcels to be processed compared to last year due to the health situation, DHL had to hire more temporary workers to strengthen its teams.


- "La France bouge" devoted to parcel delivery

With less than a week of Christmas, the mistake is no longer possible.

Because as Alain Yoro, the director of the site, reminds us, it is forbidden to miss: "We are a bit like Santa Claus. Imagine leaving a package in our warehouse when it may be the small tractor of a child who is waiting for him because his parents organized themselves at the last minute. We owe it to him! "