• Of safety.

    Green light Commission, tomorrow Chamber

  • From Security, Camera confirms confidence with 298 yes


17 December 2020 As soon as the Minister for Relations with the Parliament Federico D'Incà announced the request, on behalf of the government, to affix the question of trust on the approval of the Security Decree (conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree- Law 21 October 2020, n.130, containing urgent provisions on immigration, international and complementary protection), the brawl in the Senate has broken out.

"Pagliaccio, buffoon", shout the Northern League senators, in the video held by the Dire agency, at the address of the minister for relations with Parliament, Federico D'Incà.

The minister has just finished announcing in the hall of Palazzo Madama that the government raises the question of trust on security.

"Calderoli president", shouted, among other things, the Northern League.

The minority speaker, Simone Pillon (Lega), had just finished a heated speech when D'Incà announced his confidence.

It was at that moment that the Chamber was unleashed.

A gathering of center-right senators formed around the government benches, with the current president, Ignazio La Russa, presiding over the session, who interrupted the minister and suspended the session.

From La Russa's words before the microphones were turned off, which remained open, it seems that a senator had asked to speak before D'Incà's intervention.

Parrini (Pd): "A very serious thing"

"While the Minister for Relations with Parliament" Federico D'Incà "was announcing the affixing of the question of trust on the security and immigration decree, the Northern League attacked him by taking the microphone from his hand and preventing him from speaking ".

This was announced by Dario Parrini, Senator Pd, president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission.

"A cowardly act of parliamentary squadism tolerated (who knows why in the case of squads, but if you think about it you can also imagine why) by the current president Ignazio La Russa. General indignation. A very serious thing", denounces Parrini.

Casellati convenes conference of group leaders

The president of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, resuming conducting the classroom after the brawl following the affixing of the question of trust, has called the conference of group leaders.

The session in the Chamber was therefore suspended again.

Exchange of accusations between the Democratic Party and the League

Different narratives about the tussle that broke out in the Senate Chamber to the government's apposition, with the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D'Incà, of the question of confidence in the Security Law.

D'Incà was about to take the floor to ask for confidence but was unable to complete ", says the senator Pd, Valeria Valente, one of the majority speakers of the provision, in fact, Northern League senators" tried to prevent the procedure from being completed " . They did it "physically", explains Valente, "they approached and physically occupied the government desks, preventing D'Incà from continuing, and are currently keeping them busy." The reason? "At the moment it is not known. ", explains Senator Dem," we are alone in the face of physical occupation, there is no word, because President La Russa immediately suspended the session. "

The reason is explained, from his point of view, by the Senator of the League , Paolo Ripamonti. "We had 3 hours and 45 minutes of general discussion, and Minister D'Incà thus decided, out of the blue, to ask the question of trust to remove all the general discussion.

This is unacceptable to us, at least they made us discuss, is democracy for them? ". And then, adds Ripamonti," the 5 stars have taken a very bad drift. "For the senator of the League, the group leader Pd Andrea Marcucci and the Senator Pd, classroom secretary, Alan Ferrari, would have "done the shop assistants instead of being parliamentarians", but the assistants "are the only ones who can defend the situation, not the parliamentarians, otherwise it becomes a fight".

Ferrari, questioned, he explains that with Marcucci "we were there, physically", when the leaguers took off, and "they came upon us".