
Oberhausen (dpa / lnw) - The North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) wants to give away vouchers in view of the tough lockdown this year at Christmas.

In an interview with the "NRW local radio stations", the CDU politician revealed that he had not yet got all the Christmas presents.

When the moderator said afterwards, it would be tight now, Laschet disagreed.

"No, there will be no shortage, there won't be any."

It is not nice to give away vouchers, said the Union politician.

"But giving away vouchers that will then be redeemed in local retail outlets, I'll do that instead of ordering from Amazon so much."

The retail trade in the cities is very important to him personally.

He will celebrate Christmas with close family members this year, said the Prime Minister.

«Well, the really big family, I have three brothers, none of this will happen.

It cannot take place. "

He would probably only celebrate Christmas Eve with his own children.


RadioNRW podcast with a Laschet interview