[Global Times Reporter Tao Xinran] Taiwan’s military discipline has been criticized in recent years. Taiwan’s “Ministry of National Defense” has officially announced amendments to the relevant provisions of the “Rules for the Training of Students in Military Schools and Military Training Institutions”. He has drunk driving, drove under drugs, and served as a driver in a fraud group. , Members of the loan shark group, anyone involved in the case and sentenced to be confirmed cannot apply for the military academy.

  According to a report by Taiwan’s "United Daily News" on the 15th, Taiwan’s "Executive Yuan" recently announced relevant provisions that added new thresholds for prohibiting admission and expulsion. Students who have one of the following circumstances are not allowed to enroll, and they must also be expelled if they are found after enrollment. .

These provisions include those who have committed civil strife, foreign troubles, gambling, unsafe driving crimes or "criminal law" crimes of obstructing weathering, fraud and breach of trust, corruption, sexual assault, etc., and those who have been convicted or wanted for a case that has not yet been closed are not allowed to apply to the military school ; Violation of the “Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Drug Hazards” who have been guilty of a verdict or have been subject to observation, retraining and compulsory abstinence are not allowed to apply for the test; and those who commit crimes other than these types of crimes, have been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or a sentence of security Those who determine the referee cannot go to military academy.

However, those who have been approved to pay a fine or suspended sentence at the end of the period of probation without revocation are not restricted.

  Taiwan's military discipline has been criticized and scattered, and the situation has been particularly serious since Tsai Ing-wen came to power. In February 2017, a drug-related case occurred at the Qingquangang Base of the Taiwan Air Force. Relevant statistics show that from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, there were 372 cases of violations, violations, and injuries in the Taiwan military. Among them, in 2016, the Taiwan military had a positive urine screening and suspected drug use. There were 735 people. In June 2019, in the face of a major military disciplinary incident that was disclosed in the military due to the out-of-control drinking of officers and soldiers, Taiwan’s “Minister of Defense” Yan De issued an order to reduce the number of dinner invitations and banquets for the entire army, to eliminate drinking culture, and "all meals that involve female officers and soldiers" No alcohol is allowed during the banquet." In May of this year, there was news that since Tsai Ing-wen became the so-called "commander of the three services," Taiwan's military discipline has been increasingly deteriorating, the number of drug trafficking cases in the military has increased, the number of drunk driving has doubled, and the number of sexual crimes has tripled. On the 15th when the new regulations were revealed, some soldiers at the Taiwan Air Force’s Hualien base were severely punished for violating the regulations. According to a report on the 15th by the United News Network, the 26th tactical fighter of the Fifth Tactical Mixed Wing of the Air Force Hualien lost contact with the F-16 in November. The man and the aircraft have not been found, but the F-16 engine is repaired. In early December, the "faxiu detachment" brought alcohol into the camp privately and drank alcohol in the camp; the non-commissioned officers also violated information security regulations by shooting drinking videos with their mobile phones and uploading them to the Internet. Taiwan’s “Air Force Command” stated on the 15th that the actions against non-commissioned officers named Huang and others have been severely punished in accordance with relevant regulations.