
Sontra (dpa / lhe) - Two men died in a head-on collision between two vehicles on Tuesday morning.

In the accident on a main road near Sontra (Werra-Meißner district), four other people were seriously injured, the police said.

According to the police, a 34-year-old driver is said to have overtaken several cars at a construction site “despite the unclear traffic situation”.

Shortly before a roundabout, his car crashed into an oncoming car while overtaking on the opposite lane.

The driver presumably overlooked the car.

According to the police, he and his 37-year-old passenger were fatally injured by the force of the impact.

According to the police, the three other inmates suffered severe injuries.

The 37-year-old driver of the other car was also seriously injured and was taken to a hospital, according to a police spokesman.


According to the police, Bundesstraße 27 was temporarily fully closed.

An expert should now clarify the course of the accident.

The police have secured the two accident cars and are now looking for witnesses.

Closing report

Addendum from the police

Police report