International NPOs working to protect freedom of the press have found at least 274 journalists in the world imprisoned by authorities for coverage, the highest number since the early 1990s. It is said.

The international NPO Committee to Protect Journalists announced on the 15th that there are at least 274 journalists in the world as of 1st of this month, who have been imprisoned by the authorities for coverage activities.

This is the highest number since the group began investigating in the early 1990s.

By country, China had the highest number with 47 for the second consecutive year, followed by Turkey with 37, Egypt with 27 and Saudi Arabia with 24.

In China, which was the most common, there were cases of being imprisoned in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region without revealing the crime, and cases of being arrested for reporting different reports about the new coronavirus.

Also, about two-thirds of the journalists imprisoned in the world were charged with campaigning against the state.

In addition, in Egypt and Honduras, two journalists died in July after being infected with the new coronavirus in custody.

The Committee to Protect Journalists is urging national leaders to release all imprisoned journalists.