<Anchor> Last

night (13th) night, unlimited debate on the amendment to the NIS Act, that is, the filibuster, was forcibly ended and passed the National Assembly plenary session.

Currently, the National Assembly is holding a filibuster on the so-called anti-North Korean warfare spray ban, and it is expected to be decided tonight.

Reporter Yoon Nara delivers.

<Reporter> The

filibuster for the amendment to the National Intelligence Service Act was forcibly ended four days after the start with the approval of 180 voters, the quorum of the lawmakers.

This is the first time since the introduction of the National Assembly Advancement Act in 2012, the filibuster was forcibly terminated by voting.

After the end of the filibuster was declared, the amendment to the NIS law passed the National Assembly plenary session with 187 people in favor.

Subsequently, an amendment to the Inter-Korean Relations Development Act was proposed, with the aim of prohibiting the spread of warfare to North Korea.This bill also started a filibuster requested by the power of the people, and the Democratic Party immediately applied for a forced termination due to the corona situation and other reasons.

[Kim Tae-nyeon/Democratic Party Representative: The opposition party has already made enough of their intentions.

Despite the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, it is the National Assembly's job abandonment to ignore the suffering of the



The power of the people criticized it as tyranny that it would not listen to the opposition.

[Ho-Young Joo/People's Power, Representative: The Democratic Party is not once or twice to say it with one bite, but it respects the opposition party's right to speak, and the filibuster ends.

He is closing the opposition's mouth with his strength.]

A vote will be held again around 9 o'clock tonight, 24 hours after the submission of the termination agreement.

If it is passed this time as the Democratic Party intends, the Inter-Korean Relations Development Act will soon be dealt with.