
Bremen (dpa / lni) - The CDU Bremen is likely to be in the Bundestag election with parliamentary group leader Thomas Röwekamp (54).

The state executive proposed him on Monday for list number 1, as a spokeswoman announced.

The proposal for the state list, which includes five places, was accepted with 24 of 26 votes.

The CDU Bremen has been represented in the Bundestag with Elisabeth Motschmann since 2013.

CDU country chief Carsten Meyer-Heder said that they had discussed a new list place for Motschmann. "But we have come to the decision that this composition of the list best represents what we want to achieve in the federal government with a new team from Bremen." The final say on the composition of the list of candidates, however, will be given to the CDU delegates, who will decide on it on March 15th. The federal election is in autumn 2021.