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13 December 2020 "With 2.5 million transactions carried out and already acquired by the system, this morning the total amount of accumulated refunds for Christmas Extra Cashback is close to 10 million euros. In addition, the number rises to 52 thousand of participants who have already reached the minimum threshold of 10 transactions necessary to obtain a refund of 10% on purchases made with cards and payment apps by 31 December 2020 ".

Sources from Palazzo Chigi report this, adding: "To date, the total number of subscribers to the program has exceeded 4.2 million and there are 8 million cards and payment apps associated with Cashback. In detail: 4.7 million credit cards and over 2 million Pagobancomat cards loaded only on the IO app; payment instruments activated by the other available channels exceed 1.2 million ".

The same sources point out that transactions related to purchases made under the program can take up to three working days to be viewed.

Furthermore, before proceeding with the purchases, it is necessary to make sure that the payment instrument registered for the purposes of the program has been activated for Cashback.