
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Even before the corona-related lockdown began, the state parents' representative for Baden-Württemberg day-care centers (LEBK-BW) called for “a clear and binding exit scenario for daycare centers”.

“Daycare centers must not be the last institutions to be taken into account in the event of possible loosening and opening, as was the case in spring,” said the LEBK-BW on Sunday in Stuttgart.

Administrations, sponsors and parents quickly needed clear rules from the state government.

"The implementation must not be left to hang on for days."

The Prime Minister and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) have decided that schoolchildren and daycare children across Germany should stay at home for three and a half weeks at the latest from Wednesday at the latest - whenever possible.

Exceptions and emergency care are possible.

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) wanted to inform about the lockdown in a press conference in the afternoon.

"Especially in the current, tense situation, day-care centers must remain open as a care option for members of systemically relevant professions," emphasized the LEBK-BW in a letter to the Minister of Education, Susanne Eisenmann (CDU).

"A blanket nationwide closure must be avoided."

Uniform criteria across the country, which are applied locally according to the respective incidence values, are important.

"Closing daycare centers should not be a means of restricting contact options for adults via this detour," it said.

"Children have an independent right to education and care."


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