• Scandalo.Rafael Amargo: Drugs "for consumption" and squandering his career through the nose

  • Courts.Rafael Amargo, provisionally released: "It was an unnecessary spectacle, Pablo Escobar had one"

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There is no doubt that Rafael Amargo is not going through his best moment.

Last week he was arrested for his alleged involvement in an organization dedicated to drug trafficking.

An arrest that coincided with the premiere of his work Yerma, which he had to postpone until he was released on Friday, December 4, pending the judicial investigation to proceed.

The dancer and choreographer declared that it had all been an unnecessary show and that

"Pablo Escobar only had one


A few days before his arrest, the artist confessed that he "trained his mind" with Pedro Serrano, his personal coach, a key person in his life to try to manage his emotions.

"I to


I've known him for years, we are personal friends.

From when he started and me too.

I admire him very much and respect him because he started from the bottom and built his company from scratch.

We met one day and he told me that he was glad I had decided to become a coach and that he wanted to see me.

I told him that it was perfect because in the end coaching is to take everything out, accompany, be a mirror, provoke to get to the point where you want to go.

I cannot speak about what you tell me in the sessions because it is a professional secret.

The first day, in the alliance,

confidentiality is reflected ",

Pedro Serrano tells LOC.

Surely now his sessions, which shuffle prices from 60 to 120 euros are even more important for him


Amargo's coach began to be from 2014. Previously he had dedicated himself to the world of leisure.

"For many years I have dedicated myself to events,

to organize parties, cocktail bars like Museo Chicote

where I was 15 years.

I was dedicated to entertaining people, having a good time.

But I had always really liked the world of personal growth, Buddhism, I love Asia ... I started to train as a coach and I have been leaving everything else.

I no longer have a business or anything.

I am totally dedicated to the world of coaching. "Serrano defines his profession as a journey of self-knowledge." Sometimes you are lost and you do not know exactly what is happening to you, you do not know why you do not vibrate, why you do not get to the place where you want to be ". The figure of the coach is still seen by some critical sectors close to that of the 'smoke vendor', a fact that does not worry Serrano, who considers it a profession on the rise. "Normally the people who speak with this prism are people who do not know him. .

The clearest and most convincing proof that it works is all the people who practice it.

It is a very new profession and generates suspicions at first.

But it is more and more installed in society. "And he adds:" We do not fix problems or situations,

We are not psychologists or psychiatrists.

There are many techniques and tools that we use in Psychology, but for example in that area there are patients and we have clients.

We take out all its lights and shadows.

We do not get into their turf.

Coaching works very well because there are many people who are not sick or have nothing to fix but come to us because they want to take a trip to where they want to be.

We accompany the process. "In addition, coaching has a professional level, that is, according to Pedro Serrano, anyone who takes a" course "does not have the title of coach." To have a professional title you have to do training, some exams and

have an official certification.

It does not yet have the packaging of a career but it is a profession.

I have been studying since 2014 and I have the official certification ".

See this post on Instagram

A shared post by Pedro Serrano (@pedroserranocoach)

On the other hand, Pedro Serrano is specialized in LGTBI issues.

"I wanted to specialize within the collective


because they have the same problems as everyone else but there are very specific issues: not being understood in your family, in your environment ... Although Spain is very advanced in this there are still cases.

Most of my clients are not gay, although of course I do have gay clients too.

I am gay and so I have that tool more

To accompany.

It's easier for the client to open up if they know you've been through the same thing too. "Pedro has other famous clients in his portfolio but he can't reveal his identity to LOC, unless" they state it publicly. " recognizes that he also resorts to coaching,

sometimes he does "self-coaching" or goes to other professionals


"The mind is what betrays us. If there are no problems, create them. When you get into that type of energy you are annoyed all day. We must not forget the other great element, emotions. They do not let us talk about them, we have them in the background, we don't listen to them and they are the most important ".

And he concludes: "In coaching we avoid guilt, judgment and all the energies that do not bring you anything. When I work with a client I work on the person. I learn from my clients, I actually receive private lessons from them."

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