Calogero Mannino

  • Political choice not granted to the mafia on 41 bis: the reasons for Mannino's acquittal

  • State-mafia, asked for 9 years in prison for Calogero Mannino.

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  • State-mafia, Ingroia on Mannino's acquittal: "Sentence announced, but the crime exists"

  • State-mafia trial: the judge acquits Calogero Mannino


11 December 2020

The Supreme Court confirmed the acquittal of former minister Calogero Mannino, defended by Grazia Volo, in the excerpt process on the so-called State-Mafia negotiation.

The supreme judges of the Sixth Criminal Section have declared inadmissible the appeal lodged by the prosecutors of Palermo against Mannino's acquittal issued by the Court of Appeal of Palermo on July 22, 2019. The former minister was accused of threatening the political body of the State.

The former Christian Democrat politician was also acquitted in the first instance.

The former minister: "It is the end of the obsession of certain prosecutors"

"The Court of Cassation, confirming the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Palermo, has put an end to the fantasy exercises that the persecutory obsession of some prosecutors has put on paper since 1991 in various trials in which I have always been acquitted. Without rhetoric, but with the emotion of the moment, I must underline the importance and value of this sentence which reconfirmed the verdict of first instance and of the court of 'appeal, the latter presented in a monumental way for precision, depth of all investigations and motivation ".

Thus the former DC minister Calogero Mannino comments on the sentence of the Supreme Court.

"My extraneousness to the so-called State-Mafia negotiation is recognized - he continues - but above all the long phase of my political life from 1979 to 1992 has been reconstructed, which was characterized by a commitment to combat crime and my full adherence to the line that the state was preparing to tackle the problem of the mafia ".

"Mannino - he adds - had to be killed because he had fought the mafia: this is the decisive step in the reconstruction that the sentence of the appeal court has made. more unmotivated if not artificial and pretext on the level of law ".

"At this moment, - he concludes - which can only be of great serenity, my thoughts of gratitude go to the memory of Professor Carlo Federico Grosso (lawyer of Mannino who has died in the meantime, ed) and my feeling full of affection goes to Grazia Volo and his collaborator Cristiano Bianchini (both defense lawyers of Mannino, ed) who were my angels in this long Via Crucis and they have also been for my family, for my wife, my son and now for my grandchildren who will to stand tall for the political life of the grandfather ".