<Anchor> As the

amendment to the Airlift Act, which neutralized the opposition party's veto power, passed the National Assembly plenary session, horses are coming and going about the time of the launch of the airlift.

This is reporter Jeong-hyeon on the press.

<Reporter> The

amendment to the Airlift Act, which has passed the National Assembly, is expected to be resolved and promulgated at the State Council meeting three days later.

The ruling party is ready to restart the nomination committee to select two candidates for the head of the airlift.

[Gimtaenyeon /, with the Democratic Majority Leader: Speaker Dear (We ask) gongsucheo Chapter nominations for haejusigi soon convene the Commission

at the last meeting get the 7 votes of the five tables are most votes was, Kim Jin-wook Constitutional Court, senior researcher at the jeonhyeonjeong Lawyers It will be considered as the final candidate.

On the other hand, the opposition nominees who have lost their veto may resign.

Then, according to the changed law, the chairman of the National Assembly can appoint an alternate member.

According to the passport timetable, the president's appointment as the chief of the airlift is possible within this year.

Next is the personnel hearing.

The airlift is expected to have a major clash between the ruling party called the'symbol of prosecution reform' and the opposition party called the'regime security organization'.

A maximum of 20 days for a personnel hearing.

After that, when the head of the airlift is appointed, the personnel committee of the airlift should be operated to appoint investigations, etc.

The power of the people may not recommend two personnel committee members from the opposition party, but the Democratic Party is poised to enforce the formation of the personnel committee even if they do not.

Through this process, the Democratic Party expects to launch an airlift in late January or early February next year.