
Erfurt (dpa / th) - After weeks of negotiations, the course has been set for the adoption of the Thuringian state budget for 2021.

The red-red-green coalition agreed with the opposition CDU on a number of changes to the state government's draft budget, as the parliamentary groups announced in Erfurt on Tuesday.

"Overall, a financial volume of around half a billion euros has been moved," said CDU parliamentary group leader Mario Voigt in Erfurt.

Parliament is to decide on the figures and the amendments in a special session on December 21.

The red-red-green coalition of Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) does not have a majority in the state parliament.

It depends on at least four votes from the CDU parliamentary group, with which there is a stability pact.

The Thuringian budget volume is expected to rise to a record value of around 11.7 billion euros. The government's draft had earmarked 11.4 billion euros. One reason for this is that parts of an investment program to stimulate the economy after the corona pandemic are being included in the regular budget at the urging of the CDU. It is planned to take out loans amounting to almost 1.6 billion. Originally, 1.8 billion euros were planned.