China News Service, Beijing, December 6 (Li Jingze and Huang Yuqin) At the symposium on the 5th to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Political Society, Zheng Yongnian, Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Global and Contemporary China at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), pointed out the current The development of Chinese political science is faced with many challenges, and two of the main challenges are analyzed.

  Zheng Yongnian said that one of the main challenges is how to build China's localized political science knowledge system on the basis of studying Western political science.

He said that from the 1980s to the present, Chinese political science has basically been "walking on two legs". On the one hand, it draws on Western political theory and on the other hand, it develops its own politics.

"From the perspective of walking with these two legs in balance, we develop China's own political science'this leg' is relatively short."

  He pointed out that China has made great achievements in the past 40 years, realizing sustainable economic development and sustainable social stability, which cannot be separated from China's political and political system.

But from the perspective of Western politics, it basically separates China's political system from economic development and social stability.

"How to interpret China's achievements from the perspective of China's political system is a huge challenge for us."

  Another important challenge is not only the challenge of the Chinese political science community, but also the challenge of the international political science community, that is, the existing political science theories and methods are becoming increasingly difficult to predict and explain the current political phenomenon.

Zheng Yongnian said that politics in modern times can truly be called elite politics, that is, analyzing political phenomena from the perspective of elites.

Today, we have entered the era of the Internet, the era of social media, an era of true mass democracy.

  He further explained that before the advent of the Internet, popular democracy was actually an elite democracy, but the elite used the mass media to convey their ideas to the public.

The current mass media is no longer what it used to be. Everyone can achieve a certain degree and form of political participation through the Internet.

  Zheng Yongnian believes that the world has truly entered an era of popular politics, and our methodology and theories have remained in the era of social science dominated by elites in modern times.

In the next step, if political science wants to achieve a breakthrough theoretical construction, it needs a shift in research paradigm.

  He believes that the Internet has changed all aspects of China's politics, economy, culture, and society. The specific practice of Chinese political science has been very sufficient and the experience is very rich.

  "Whether we can seize this opportunity is very important for the construction of China's localized political science knowledge system." Zheng Yongnian said, if we consciously construct Chinese political science theories, we must first find China's own political science propositions. I personally I am also conceiving research in this direction, hoping to work hard with everyone to contribute to the development of Chinese political science. (Finish)