
Mannheim (dpa / lsw) - The Karlsruhe Administrative Court has confirmed the city of Mannheim's ban on “lateral thinking” demonstrations.

The urgent motion by the head of two demonstrations planned for Saturday had been rejected, the court said on Friday evening.

For reasons of protection against the spread of the coronavirus, the city had issued conditions for one of the gatherings - including the location and number of participants, as it was said.

The applicant had been instructed to communicate in particular the requirement for the number of participants before the meeting.

But he did not do this.

In addition, he has now registered another meeting, which the city believes is an alternative event.

As a result, the city banned any gathering of the applicant for Saturday.

The judges justified their decision, among other things, with the fact that it was also to be expected that the applicant would violate the conditions at the meeting or would not ensure compliance with them, which would be a criminal offense.

This poses a threat to public safety.

This justifies the bans.


The decision is not yet final.

Those involved have the opportunity to lodge a complaint against the Baden-Württemberg Administrative Court in Mannheim (1 K 5020/20).